Is life insurance important?. The answer could be yes or may not. For some people are not so important, especially for those who do not have dependents in life or can be life itself, there also considers unimportant because of the limitations of knowledge or because they do not have enough funds to buy. However, for like-minded people move forward and have a responsibility to the future security of the family after the "death" of their life insurance is very important.
I prefer to regard the life insurance as a "death insurance" because the main risks covered are death. As with other types of insurance, life insurance is protection against the risk and the unknown. When you buy life insurance, you pay for peace of mind that your family will be guaranteed a decent life after your death that may be sudden. Although we do not expect to use it, it is indispensable as a step towards anticipated in the event something happens to us in the future.
By purchasing a life insurance policy, when we die later hopefully we will not leave the burden and were able to leave enough money as capital to live a better life for the family, wife and children left behind. It is necessary to consider because you do not know Do they have enough money to pay for a home mortgage? Could children or you can pay for an education in their way? Does your wife have enough money to pay the fees and all purposes? After the death of you.
So we can say people who have life insurance are people who care and want to buy life insurance with a goal in order to provide enough money and a guarantee financially for their families when they died.
Important! Before deciding to buy a life insurance policy, it is suggested in order to find more information or profusely at some company or insurance agency, and then you try to compare the protection afforded by the premium to be paid. Also to consider, how many members of your family dependents, and inventorying needs education needed for your child. After that you decide to purchase a life insurance policy like. Here are some types of life insurance policies that you can choose.
The types of life insurance policy
Life insurance has several types of products, in which each type of product that has different benefits. various types of life insurance products is intended to serve a variety of needs, abilities, and purchasing power.
The type of life insurance policy #1: Term Life Insurance is a policy that is the simplest and most inexpensive. This policy is usually taken by a certain time period established by the company, for example, between 10 to 30 years. The goal is to provide temporary needs, such as children's education expenses, mortgage payments, house payments, and others. The types of products are very suitable for you who have a need for greater insurance costs, but have the limited purchasing power.
The type of life insurance policy #2: Life Insurance (Whole Life) is a basic type of permanent life insurance provides protection for a person's lifetime. If you want to get more benefits, not only a death benefit, or you who like the idea of long-term savings. If you want life insurance and also have savings for unexpected needs (emergency), such as paying hospital bills. Or, if you want to get growth as an investment, you can consider buying this insurance policy. However you should be prepared to pay higher premiums, of the Term Life Insurance.
The type of life insurance policy #3: Life Insurance Dwiguna (Endowment) is a type of life insurance that provides two benefits at once. The benefit is the first form of acceptance sum insured if the insured dies / die, in a certain period of time in accordance with the policy or agreement on insurance policies that you bought. Secondly, if the insured is still alive when the period expires, the insured will get all the insurance money.
Although the same type of policy taken but the amount of the premiums paid by each customer is different because there are several factors considered by insurance companies. So ... What are the factors that are considered by companies in determining the amount of premium to be paid ?. Factors affecting the price of life insurance premiums are age, gender, and previous medical conditions. Parents generally will pay higher life insurance premiums, Then the condition of the illness, heart conditions, high blood pressure, mental illness, or a family history who have a history of inherited diseases such as heart disease or cancer will increase the price of your insurance premiums.
Insurance companies also offer a higher level to people who work or have dangerous hobbies, such as skydiving or scuba diving. In addition to the Smokers usually have to pay rates two times higher than those of nonsmokers.
Here are some of the benefits of life insurance for the family
Life insurance benefits for families #1: Minimize the risk of the unexpected. Anyone will be able to anticipate or suspect the occurrence of a disaster in your family. With insurance, protection can be obtained so it will feel ease.
Life insurance benefits for families #2: Your family will be more secure. If at any time something happens to you or your family, you have a reserve fund that can be used is an insurance claim can be used to help the family.
Life insurance benefits for families #3: Many of the things that can be prepared. Such as children's education, monthly family expenses, up to the various needs of routine, usually helped by the bailout fund which is prepared from a life insurance scheme.
Life insurance benefits for families #4: Various kinds of facilities can facilitate obtained through life insurance, especially now that many life insurance combined with a variety of other planning that can help in the difficult moments in the future.
Life insurance benefits for families #5: Reassuring your mind for the future. Especially for those who became head of the family, their life insurance can make the mind more at ease because there will be a reserve fund if something happens later. And so, the work can be more calm, and the result will be maximal.
How are you now interested in buying a life insurance policy? If you want ensure the well being of your family after you die? If you are still free to have it? All depends on you. Do your best to your family ... I hope the information I wrote this helpful ... I hope you and your family are always happy.
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