Friday, May 27, 2016

Full Information About Family


Family is a word that is not foreign to our ears all. Everyone knows what it is family friendly and has Family. But there is no doubt there are many among us who do not quite understand what that family. Family is a collection of (combined) some people who live in the same place, which is formed for their blood, marriage or adoption.

Definition of the family according to experts:
  1. The family is two or more individuals who join because of their relationship by blood, marriage, or adoption. They interact with each other, have their respective roles and creating and maintaining a culture (Bailon and Maglaya, 1989).
  2. A family is a group of people linked by ties of marriage, adaptation, and births that aims to create and maintain a common culture, promote the development of physical, mental, social and emotional as well as individuals who are in it, in view of the regular interaction and in mark their dependencies and relationships to achieve common objectives (Duval, 1972).
  3. Burgess, and friends (1963). Burgess and his colleagues declare that (1) family consists of people who are united by the bond of marriage, blood, and bonding adoption, (2) the members of a family often live together in one house or if live separately, they continue to take the household as their families, (3) the family members interact and communicate with each other in a social role. Families such as husband and wife, father and mother, son and girl, brothers and sisters, (4) using the same family of the same culture, namely the culture taken from people with some unique features of its own .
  4. Fitzpatrick (2004), gives the definition of family in a way to review them under three different viewpoints, that is.
    • Understanding the basis of Structural Family: Family is defined by the presence or absence of family members, such as parents, children, and other relatives. This definition focuses on anyone who is a part of a family. From this perspective gained an understanding of the family as the origin (families of origin), the family as a vehicle to produce offspring (families of Procreation), and the nuclear family (extended family).
    • Definition of Family in Functional: This definition focuses on the tasks performed by the family, family is defined with an emphasis on the fulfillment of the tasks and psycho social functions. Those functions include maintenance functions, socialization of children, emotional support and material, as well as the fulfillment of certain roles.
    • Definition of Family in Transactional: This definition focuses on how families carry out its function. The family is defined as a group that developed intimacy through behaviors that bring a sense of identity as a family (family identity), in the form of emotional ties, historical experience, as well as the ideals of the future.
The Characteristics of The Family
The characteristics of families in each country is different depending on the culture, philosophy, and ideology of their respective countries.

Characteristics of Family in Indonesia.
  1. Has a very close family ties are based on the spirit of mutual assistance.
  2. It is a unified whole that is informed by cultural values oriental viscous have a great responsibility.
  3. Generally led by a husband as head of the household is dominant in the decision even though the process through consultation and consensus
  4. A little different between urban and rural living. Who live in the countryside is still traditional, simple, respect each other, and a little hard to accept new innovations.
The characteristics of the family according to Robert Maclver and Charles Morton Page.
  1.  A marital relationship.
  2. The shape of an institution related to the marital relationship or maintained deliberately in shape,
  3. Has a system of nomenclature, including the calculation of lineage,
  4. Has the economic function in shape by its members regarding the ability to have children and raise children.
  5. Having a shared dwelling, home or household.
So we can conclude that the family is the smallest unit of society, consisting of two or more people, organized under the care of the head of the family (father or mother), has the role and function of each, and has a unique individual and the values and norms of life that is based culture system.

Family Type
According to Friedman (1998) family type of two types of non-traditional family and traditional family.

1. The traditional family:

  • Nuclear family or nuclear family is a household consisting of a husband, wife and child birth or adoption of children.
  • Extended family or extended family is a nuclear family plus another family who have blood relations, for example grandparents, aunts and uncles.
  • Dyad family is a family consisting of a husband and wife who live in a home with no children.
  • Single parent family is a family consisting of the parents and children (biological or adoptive). This condition can be caused by divorce or death.
  • Single adult is a household consisting of one adult.
  • Elderly family is a family consisting of a husband and wife who are elderly.
2. Type of non-traditional family:

  • Communy family consisting of one family without blood ties, living in one house.
  • Parents (father, mom) that no marriages and children living together in one household.
  • Homosexual and lesbian is a kind of two individuals who live together in one house and behave like husband and wife.
Meanwhile, according to Marilyn M. Friedman (1998) family can be divided into three types:

  1. The nuclear family (conjugal). Families were married. As a parent or provider. The nuclear family consisting of a husband, wife, and children (biological children, adopted children).
  2. Family orientation (family of origin). The family unit where one was born.
  3. The family is great. The nuclear family and other people who have blood relations, for example, relatives, grandparents, cousins, uncles and aunts.
Forms of Family
Family form a portrait of social differences, behavior, culture and lifestyle. Sussman, et al divide families into seven (7) forms:

  1. The nuclear family. The nuclear family consisting of a husband (breadwinner), a wife (housewife), and children.
  2. The traditional extended family. Traditional large family is a family form that couples alike make arrangements and expenditure of households with parents, relatives and other relatives in the family.
  3. Families with a single parent. This family has only one head of household, the father or mother (widower / widow / or unmarried).
  4. Individual adults who live alone. This form is widely available in the community. They live in groups such as in a nursing home, but there is also a recluse.
  5. Families with stepparents.
  6. Family binuklear. Binuklear family refers to the form of the family after the divorce so that the child becomes a member of a family system that consists of two core household.
  7. Shape variations of nontraditional families. Variations of nontraditional families include family forms are very different from one another, both in the structure and dynamics.
Besides the family can be grouped into several forms based on lineage, marriage type, the settlements, family members and power.

Based on lineage 

  1. Patrilinear is incestuous offspring consisting of blood relatives within a few generations, where the relationship was arranged through the paternal line.
  2. Matrilineal is run in families consisting of blood relatives within a few generations where relationships are arranged through the maternal line.
Based marriage type

  1. Monogamy is a family in which there is a husband with a wife.
  2. Polygamy is a family in which there is a husband with more than one wife.
Based Settlement

  1. Patrilocal are married couples living together or close to the family of flesh and husband.
  2. Matrilocal is that couples, living together or close to the family of the wife.
  3. Neolocal were married couples, staying away from the family of husband and wife.
Based Family Members

  1. The nuclear family (Nuclear Family) is a family consisting of father, mother and children.
  2. Large families (Extended Family) is added to the core family relatives. For example: brother, grandmother, niece, and others.
  3. Family Chain (Serial Family) is a family terdiiri of women and men who married more than once and is the nuclear family.
  4. Family widower / widow (Single Family) is a family that occurs due to divorce or death.
  5.  Family Composite is a family polygamous marriage and life together.
  6. Family Cahabitation are two people who happen without marriage but form a family.
Based Power

  1. The patriarchal family is the dominant and holding power in the family is the part of the father.
  2. Matrikal is the dominant family and holding power in the family is the mother's side.
  3. Equalitarium are a family who hold power are the father and mother
The role of family
The role of the family describe a set of interpersonal behavior, characteristics and activities associated with individuals in positions and situations. Based on the individual's role in the family and society. There are various roles in the family are as follows:

  • The role of the father: the father as the husband of the wife and father of her children, the role of breadwinner, educator, protector and giver a sense of security as the head of the family, members of social groups as well as from members of the public on the environment.
  • The role of mothers: mothers as a wife and mother of his children. Mother has the role of taking care of the household, as caregivers and educators of their children, protective and as one of a group of social role as well as community members from the environment, in addition to the mother may also act as an additional income earner in the family.
  • Role of children: children in the role of psycho social accordance with the level of physical, mental, social and spiritual.
Family Functions
According to Friedman (1998), there are five family functions, namely:

  1. Function affective (the Affective Function) is a major family function to teach anything to prepare family members to relate to others. This function is needed for the development of the individual and psycho social family members.
  2. The function of socialization is the process of development and change through which individuals produce social interaction and learn to play a role in their social environment. Socialization begins at birth. This function is useful to promote socialization in children, , establish norms of behavior in accordance with the child's developmental level and pass on values and family culture.
  3. The function of reproduction (the reproduction function) is a function to maintain and sustain the generation of the family.
  4. The economic function (the economic function), the family serves to meet the needs of families economically and to develop an individual's ability to meet the needs of increasing income families.
  5. The function of treatment or maintenance of health (the health care function) is to maintain the state of health of family members to keep a high productivity. This function is developed into a family tasks in the field of health.
But with changing times, developed into a family function:

  • The economic function, the family is expected to be a productive family that is able to produce value-added economy by utilizing the resources of the family.
  • Function gain social status, the family can be viewed and categorized by social strata different other families nearby.
  • The function of education, the family has a role and a great responsibility towards their children's education to face adult life.
  • The function of socialization for their children, that parents or family is expected to create a social life that is similar to the outdoors.
  • The function of the provision of health, the family is expected to meet the basic needs of the primary in order to protect and prevention of diseases that may be experienced by the family.
  • Religious functions, the family is the place to learn about the religion and the teachings of religion.
  • The function of recreation, the family is the place to do activities that can reduce the tension of being outdoors.
  • The function of reproduction, which is not only developing offspring but also a place to develop a thorough reproductive functions, including healthy sexual and fiber quality sex education for children.
  • Function affective, that the family is the primary place for meeting psycho social needs before family members outside the home.
Of some family functions above, there are three main functions of the family against family members, among others, compassion, which gives affection, attention and sense of security, warmth to family members so as to enable them to grow and develop according to the age and needs. While foster care, that is, toward the needs of maintenance and care of children so that their health is always maintained so expect them to be children who are healthy physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. And sharpening, which meets the educational needs of children so it is ready for independent adult human traffic system in preparing future.

Family duties in the field of health
According to the Friedman family has a duty under health maintenance business are as follows:

  1. Know the health problems of each member of the family.
  2. Taking the decision to do the right thing for the family.
  3. Providing care for its members who are ill or who are unable to help themselves due to disability or age too young.
  4. Maintaining a favorable atmosphere at home health and development of the personality of the family members.
  5. Maintaining the interrelationships between families and health institutions by utilizing the existing health care facilities
Stage of Development of The Family
According friedman (1998), stage of development of the family based on family life cycle is divided into 8 stages:

  • The new family (beginning family), which is the marriage of a man who marks the beginning of a new family. Family at this stage has the task of development, namely the relationship and mutual satisfaction, establish common goals, relationships with other family, friends, social groups and plan a child or family planning.
  • Family'm parenting (child bearing family), which begins with the first birth until the baby is 30 months old. Has tasks such as preparation of infant development, dividing roles and responsibilities, adaptation pattern of sexual relations, knowledge about pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood.
  • Families with pre-school aged children, namely ancestry with the first child aged 30 months to 6 years. Has the task of development, namely the dividing of time, financial arrangements, planning the next birth and dividing responsibilities with other family members.
  • Families with school-age children, as the first child 13 years old. The task of the development of this family, which provides activities for children, financial arrangements, cooperation in solving problems, pay attention to the satisfaction of family members and family communication system
  • Families with children, by the age of 13 years for the First child up to 20 years. This family developmental task is to provide the facilities needs of different families, including families in a responsible and maintain a philosophy of life.
  • Families with an adult child, the family with her first child, left home with the developmental tasks of the family, reorganize resources and facilities, arrangement of responsibilities between children, maintain open communication, releasing the child and get in-law.
  • Family of middle age, which began when the last child left behind home and ends at retirement. The developmental task of maintaining a pleasant atmosphere, responsible for all household chores, fostering familiarity with the couple, maintain contact with the child and participate in social activities.
  • Families elderly, the last stage of the family life cycle starting from one couple retired, continues until one partner dies. The task of the development of this family, which is facing a pension, mutual care, gives meaning to life, to maintain contact with the children, grandchildren and society.
Reference Source :
Ali, H. Zaidin. 2006. Introduction to nursing family. Jakarta: Book Medical Publishers EGC.

Friedman, M.M. (1998). Family Nursing: Research, Theory and Practice. (4th Ed.). Norwalk CT: Alpleton & Lange

Lestari, Sri. 2012. Family Psychology: Planting Values and Conflict Resolution in the Family. Jakarta: Prenada Media Group.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Health Insurance

Health Insurance
In life we can’t predict what circumstances our experiences, today our healthy is not necessarily a few days later. sick can be happen to anyone even an athlete who always keep their health very well. Everything you do can’t guarantee that you and your family will stay healthy. As human beings we are only able to try but the result depends on the god almighty.

Sick can happen to anyone indiscriminately, in children, adolescents, adults, the elderly, the poor, the rich even health professionals such as doctors may also experience pain. Pain can be caused by many things, both because of the bad habits that often we do consciously or not, the food we eat, fatigue or accident that can’t be predicted in advance. Therefore, as a man wise to anticipate something you do not want you and your family especially health issues whose role is extremely important in living our daily lives and is a contributing factor in achieved success  live a good idea to consider to join or purchase a policy Health Insurance.

Health Insurance: The payment for the excepted costs of a group from the resulting medical utilization excepted based on the expense incurred by the group. The payment can be based on community or experience rating (Jacobs P, 1997). Health insurance is an insurance product that can provide financial security to policyholders when the policyholder experience pain or illness or accidents makes hospitalized.

In general, health insurance is insurance that specifically address the risks to health, health insurance will cover all of its costs if you fall ill, as well as if the pain is caused by an accident. To find out what the insurance read here and info on health read here.

Terms in Insurance
Before discussing, more about the various issues related to health insurance. So you are not confused when they want to buy an insurance policy or join an insurance program. You should first understand the terms in insurance, so that the process can work better and avoid mistakes. As for the terms that you should know insurance is as follows:

Terms In Insurance
  1. The insurance policy.
    The insurance policy is an insurance contract or coverage that is consensual (the existence of an agreement), the agreement must be in writing in a deed between the parties to the agreement. In a written deed is called as a policy. So it is the policy that is evidence of the insurance agreement is written evidence.
  2. Applicant.
    Applicant is a person applying for insurance. If the insurer has been approved, the applicant will be the policyholder.
  3. Policyholders (Policy Owner): Holders of insurance policies.
  4. Insured: A person who becomes the object insured or insured.
  5. Receiver Sum Assured (Beneficiary): People or consists of several people designated to receive insurance benefits or insurance money.
  6. Sum Assured: Value for money stated in the insurance policy will be paid by the insurer to the Holder.
  7. Premium: The amount of money to be borne by the insured and listed in the policy and has agreed to pay to the Insurer in accordance with the agreement.
  8. Cash Value: The amount of money listed in the policy that will be paid to the policyholder if the policy is canceled prior to the insurance period expires or when the insured dies.
  9. Insurable Interest: The relationship between the insured and the object is insured by the company, regarding matters that are potentially likely to cause harm that can result in financial losses for the insured.

Types of Health Insurance
In health insurance there are many kinds or types of insurance that we can choose according to need. Among them are based on the type of care, fund managers, participation of members, the amount of funds are covered, the insured party, and how the replacement.
  • Based on the type of treatment, health insurance can be divided into two, namely hospitalization (in-patient treatment) and ambulatory (out-patient treatment).
  • Based on the fund, health insurance, there are two parties, the government and private sectors. Be aware though, there is the issue that the government-run services are not as good as that managed by the private sector, so it's not a few customers who were disappointed with the services governments provide, it might consider if going to take health insurance.
  • Based on the participation of members, in health insurance can be done on the basis of the obligations and voluntary. In large companies sometimes require employees to follow the health insurance program where the premium payments made by way of payroll deductions, so inevitably the employee must follow the rules of the company, is certainly different from free people want to buy or not health insurance according to their own desires.
  • Based on the amount of funds that are borne, can be divided into two: the first all the costs borne by the insurance company and the insurance company only covers the high costs alone, so that the lower costs incurred are not covered.
  • Based on the parties covered in health insurance, the parties bear also can be divided into two types, namely individuals and groups. The insurance company can provide health protection against individual persons individually. In addition, it can also be given as a group, for example is given to an organization, company, or it can also be given to a family, with terms generally in the group there must be a minimum of 5 people.
  • By way of replacement, health insurance can be done in two ways, namely the filing of compensation using a membership card and also filing for compensation by way customers pay for the entire treatment first, and then be reimbursed by the insurance company.

Kinds of Risks That Can Be Insured
In this life is a risk that we can not avoid, but can be minimized by reducing or shifting risk to other parties. However, not all risks can be insured, insurable risk must meet the following characteristics:
  1. Losses are uncertain (definitive), such as death, illness, disability, and old age, including conditions that can be identified, such as the buildings were destroyed, sinking ship, or the fall of the aircraft.
  2. Losses occurred due to negligence, such as critically ill late stage, accident, or natural disaster.
  3. Losses are assured, as someone who is unable to work because of accident the machine does not work anymore because it was heavily damaged.
  4. Objects to be insured can be assessed and converted to value for money.
  5. Risks that occur must be naturally, been unintentional and unplanned.
  6. Risk happened did not violate the public interest.
  7. Insurance premiums charged value is quite reasonable.
  8. Parties who request insurance must have an insurable interest.

Criteria for the Best Health Insurance
In fact, many people are confused in deciding what kind of health insurance that will follow. In choosing or determine the type of insurance that will be followed, of course everyone wanted to join the best health insurance. So, how to ensure that the health insurance is follow the best health insurance? Perhaps of some criteria for the best health insurance has been the author gathered from various sources can be made following consideration in deciding whether or not your insurance will follow.
the Best Health Insurance

  • Cashless.
    With cashless, reimbursement becomes easier. When admitted to hospital, you do not need to pay, but fairly complete bill with an insurance card swipe. No need to pay upfront, then they should be reimbursed to the insurance (reimbursement). However, this requires cashless hospital where you were treated is already cooperating with insurance for hospital should have and put the machine to swipe the insurance card. If not cooperation, although insurers have a system of cashless claim, you are forced to continue to pay upfront and then finish with reimbursements.
  • Wide Network Hospitals.
    Cashless claims can't be done in hospitals that do not have agreements with insurance. Therefore, select the insurance that has a network of cooperation with many hospitals. Make sure you subscribe to the hospital (if any) in cooperation with the health insurance will be selected. 
  • Flatform and premiums according to needs and Capabilities.
    Ideally health insurance flalform selected as desired. If the scheme is taken lower, someday be hospitalized, you have to incur additional costs to cover the shortage are not guaranteed insurance.
    Of course, the high flatform is straight associated with the amount of premium. The more expensive the hospital room, the more expensive the premiums. With the ability to adjust premiums, not even your financial burden. would ready to the premium and the flatform. Although it is often not easy, because of health concerns, such as the selection of the hospital room, the more emotional and tend to want a comfortable and nice, the room rates were expensive implications.
  • Pure Health Insurance.
    Choose a stand-alone health insurance, life insurance is not a rider-link unit. Why? Expensive. In unit-linked premiums will be divided for life insurance, investment and new health insurance. Portions for health becomes small, so you have to pay more to get a higher ceiling. Not to mention, a number of pieces of unit-link costs that amount is not small, which further reduces health premiums.
    In pure insurance, the premium is intended solely - eye to the insurance cost of health care and cuts costs are also not at cost in unit-link, so it becomes cheaper premiums or the insured amount is higher. If you want proof, compare the sum insured and premium amount between pure health insurance with health insurance are to be part of unit-link.
  • Prioritize Hospitalization.
    Health costs include ambulatory and inpatient. Should focus on the insurance cover hospitalization costs for this treatment is greatest. If you have more money, could take additional outpatient insurance.
  • No Limit per Treatment.
    There is a limit or a ceiling that limits the maximum amount of medical expenses claims. Generally, insurance limit applies two types, the first is a combined limit of all treatment and the second is the limit per treatment. 
    There is no insurance that only uses the first limit; there is only the second limit and some use both simultaneously limit. You should select the insurance that applies first limit, or in other words do not limit the cost per treatment. It means that the policyholder flexible treatment of various treatments for a total limit is still there. Insurance limit with a limit of the first and second limit, of course, most are not ideal.
  • Auto Debit Note Payment Credit Card.
    Although it seems to make it easier and usually paid monthly premiums (finished look lighter), please liver - liver perform auto-debit payment with credit card. If forced to use this method because the insurance does not provide an alternative to other payment, make sure you know when repayment begins and how the process if you want to stop.
  • Avoid Taking Health Insurance via Phone.
    Bids health insurance through telemarketing started popping plural. Usually in cooperation with the credit card issuer. Related products are quite complex, such as insurance, should ponder, analysis, and if the time to do some research before making a decision. Therefore, I do not recommend taking a decision as soon as the offer by telemarketing. I had already experienced rapid and brevity of the bidding process, so a lot of detailed information that can’t be delivered due to time constraints. If you are indeed interested and need more time to think, can ask the insurance company contact number, which you can later call when it's ready.
  • Waiting Period Disease.
    Requires health insurance waiting period, some diseases can’t be claimed for a certain period from the date of expiration of insurance. For example, Cigna set the following diseases can only be claimed to 12 months later, is asthma; TB (Tuberculosis); kidney stones, urinary tract and bladder; high blood pressure (hypertension), heart and blood vessels; Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus), vertigo, and others. Ask your insurer what enters disease and how long the waiting period.

Benefits of Health Insurance
Perhaps those who are not familiar with health insurance do not know what health insurance benefits. Here are some of the benefits of health insurance:
Benefits of Health Insurance

  1. Insurance helps to reduce the risk of an individual to the risk group of people with a way to summarize risk (risk pooling).
  2. Changing events are not bound to be uncertain and planned.
  3. As savings, health insurance may be your health savings, through premium payments that you do in a period will be very useful for you later when things are not desirable override. Not everyone can save money; most of the savings will be exhausted for purposes that are not important, as a result of basic needs such as health forgotten. But by paying the health insurance premiums, you just like being forced to save regularly and discipline because you are required to pay the premium.
  4. Can Lighten the load, the basic human needs not only the health of course, there are many other basic needs, it is better if we gradually reduce the burden of life, and one way is to follow the health insurance program. If in the future you did something, then you do not have to worry about the costs required, so you can use the funds you have for other purposes that are not less important.
  5. Make life comfortable and peaceful, I'm sure you love with yourself, with my husband / wife, with children and family you have, every effort we desire to protect those we love, especially this life feels full of threats make us always be wary. However, fortunately no health insurance, the health insurance we can at least ensure that maximum care and treatment that can be given by the people we love, so the worry can be reduced, life feels more comfortable and at ease.

How to Get Health Insurance
You can obtain health insurance is of different types of insurance companies, specifically in the social insurance companies, life insurance companies, or also can be obtained in a general insurance company. If you have difficulty to get insurance, central government and local governments also provide assistance, however this assistance was only given to those on low incomes alone.

Maintenance and Health Care
In health insurance, can’t be separated from the maintenance and health care belongs to the group of services for most of its products in the form of services. There are some special features that need to be considered in the maintenance and health services, among others:

Maintenance and Health Care
  1. Health and health care as a right. As with other basic needs, then a healthy life is a basic requirement element that should always fought to be met regardless of one's ability to pay.
  2. Uncertainty.
    Uncertainty about maintenance needs and health service, regarding the time, place, the costs, the urgency service and other.
  3. Asymetric Information.
    Asymetric Information that is an unbalanced state between knowledge providers (providers) with service users (clients / patients) for patients with ignorance, the provider determines the type and volume of services that need to be consumed by the patient. This situation will trigger a supply induced demand which exceeds the service delivery needs of patients resulting in increased health care costs.
  4. Externality.
    Externality that users and non-users of maintenance services and health services can instantly enjoy the results, its prevention services generally have large scope so classified in the commodity society or public goods, ex: immunization.
  5. Labor Intensive.
    Many types of energy that contribute to the health service and work as a team, for example: workers in hospitals (over 60 types).
  6. Mix-outputs.
    Mix-outputs are generated output is a package of services as teamwork nature varies between individuals and depends on the type of disease.
  7. Restriction compete.
    Restriction compete namely the restriction of competition practice so that the market mechanism is not perfect, for example: there is no provision of goods or dumping prices in health care.

The characteristics of the above should be considered in the determination of premiums insurance participants, achievement of service tariff, determination access against health-care facilities, as well as the determination of services for doctors, nurses and other health professionals.

The above is true solution hit every thing related to health insurance which writer know. May all that I present is useful and can help you to know more about health insurance and various other related with its.

Thank, see you again.

Monday, May 23, 2016


None of us can know what will happen tomorrow or the day after. As a human being we are only able to do what we can and we want to do with expectations get best results. By doing best even if it is possible for you or one of your family suffered a bad thing even very bad, like death. For that, we need to act one step closer to anticipating all the bad things that does not want in our lives by participating in the insurance program.


Insurance is a number of the premium money in lieu of loss, which may be suffered by a guaranteed, as a result of an event that is not yet clear (in his wirjono prodjodikoro insurance law in Indonesia). In addition, according to Robert I. Mehr and Cammack Emerson, in his book Principles of Insurance stated that insurance is a risk transfer (transfer of risk). Furthermore D.S Hansell, in his book Elements of Insurance stated that insurance is always associated with the risk.

From the opinions of the above can be concluded in general insurance is an agreement where a binding to a person insured to receive a premium, to provide reimbursement to him for a loss, damage or loss of expected benefits that may be suffered due to an event that is not certain.

The fundamental precept of coverage

within the coverage global there are six primary ideas of insurance that must be met, particularly insurable hobby, utmost proper faith, proximate motive, indemnity, subrogation and contribution.
  1. Insurable hobby.
    It's far proper to insure bobbing up from a economic courting between the insured with the insured and legally. So, you're stated to have the interests of the insured item in case you go through a monetary loss in case of a catastrophe that causes loss or damage to such gadgets. financial interests allows you to insure your own home or interest. in the occasion of a disaster for the insured object and proved which you do not have a economic interest inside the object, then you definitely are not entitled to receive repayment.
  2. Utmost appropriate faith.
    Is an action to reveal as it should be and completely, all information material (material reality) about something that could be insured whether or not requested or no longer. What it means is: the insurer must definitely provide an explanation for the whole thing real about the quantity of the phrases / situations of coverage and the insured have to additionally provide a clean and correct for gadgets or interests of the insured. the lowest line is which you are obliged to inform surely and carefully approximately all the essential records regarding the subject count insured. Even this precept explains the dangers which might be assured or is excluded, all phrases and situations of insurance surely and correctly.
  3. Proximate cause.
    It's miles an lively cause, green reason that chain of occasions that leads to a result with out the intervention of the begin and running actively from a new and independent source. So, if the pastimes of the insured suffered natural screw ups or injuries, you'll first search for the causes of active and efficient that drives an unbroken chain of events that ultimately there are natural failures or accidents. A principle that is used to find the motive of the loss of lively and green are: "Unbroken Chain of occasions" which is a series of chain activities that are not interrupted.
  4. Indemnity.
    It is a mechanism by using which the insurer affords economic repayment to position the insured in a monetary position that he had prior to the loss.
  5. Subrogation.
    Turned into the switch of rights from the insured to the insurer demanded after a declare has been paid.
  6. Contribution.))it's far the proper to invite different person equally bear, but it does not have the identical responsibilities to the insured to assist offer indemnity. you can best insure the equal belongings numerous coverage agencies. but if there is a loss for the insured item then mechanically applies the principle Contribution.
Kinds of risks that can be insured:

There are so many kinds of risks that can be insured depending on the type of insurance that we follow. But in general the risk to be insured, among others: 
  1. Death
    Death can happen to anyone no matter how old or young even death can occur in a newborn baby. Death can occur unexpectedly at any time. And it would be a problem if they have children or dependents who still have financed his life. Therefore, it is quite necessary to have life insurance.

  2. Accident
    Similarly, death, accidents can happen to anyone anywhere without unexpected can happen even when we sleep. Accident insurance provides insurance after an accident that required hospitalization, disability, or even death. Just as death insurance.

  3. Sick
    To guard against this situation, it could take out health insurance. Currently, there are more and more insurance companies sell this product. There is a product that provides replacement plus reimbursement Hospital outpatient reimbursement, plus drugs as well.

  4. Musing over the House
    Almost every day we hear news of the fire. Neither the fire market, office, and residential. When a disaster when it hit a house which we occupied at the moment. Are not we going to go the complicated and difficult, because not everyone has enough money to rebuild the affected areas, so much that eventually must stay at your house.
    picture house fire...

  5.  Accidents on Vehicles
    Cars or motorcycles that nowadays has become the main vehicle to make it easier to work or other purposes (privately owned), also have the possibility of an accident.
Insurance Benefits

Insurance is very important because with the insurance program, means that we have done anticipation some bad things will happen to us and family members at a later date. In addition, many benefits we obtained. By participating insurance means that we have set our finances from now until the time we become better parents. Here are some Benefits Insurance General:
  1. Help to manage finances. A premium means that we have already set our finances finances. This is because the obligation to pay the policyholder an insurance participant or a huge premium and the time is determined. So they are inevitably going to be more careful to allocate income. We spend money to save first, and then for other needs. This is in accordance with the advice of financial planners that theory it is a good savings, reduced income the new saving the rest for their daily needs. Instead of deducting income then the rest need to save.

  2. Provide a guarantee of protection from the risks of losses by clients
    • Benefits of Life Insurance: if at any time in the course of our lives the unfortunate fatal that all people do not want, such as accidents road that could result in death, permanent disability/permanent disability, which is where it would require a huge cost for treatment, this is where life insurance benefits that we have, so the family focus is on the care / treatment is not frantically looking for the hospital costs. For more in-depth explanation read my next article, still in the writing process.

    • Benefits of Health Insurance: the insurance you have no need to worry anymore about the cost of health care, sufficient claim and show evidence of authentic then the insurance company will pay the cost of the hospital. For more in-depth explanation read my next article, still in the writing process.

    • Benefit Education: we do not know what the cost of education a few years when the favorite has been stepped up or college. With this education insurance at least we feel secure when large fees for registration awaits our children's education. For more in-depth explanation read my next article, still in the writing process.

    • Benefits Insurance Property & Possessions: property directly related to resource our lives must be secured such as shops, shop, home, car and possessions to another, in case of disaster in the future, there could be an accident in the street, fire, natural disasters , etc. By having this insurance we will get the cost of insurance in accordance with the rules of the insurance provider company. For more in-depth explanation read my next article, still in the writing process.

  3. Increase efficiency, because it does not need to specifically conduct surveillance and patrolling to provide protection that takes a lot of energy, time and cost.

  4. Risk Transfer; By paying a relatively small premium, a person or company can move the uncertainty of life and property (risk) to the insurance company.

  5. Equitable cost, that is enough to expend a certain amount and do not need to replace / pay for their own losses arising whose number is not certain and uncertain.

  6. Basis for the bank to extend credit because banks require a guaranteed protection of collateral provided by borrowers.

  7. As a savings, because the amount paid to the insurance will be returned in larger quantities. This is particularly true for life insurance.

  8. Closing Loss of Earning Power person or entity when it does not work (work)
Insurance Function

In addition to providing a variety of benefits as has been pointed out above, Insurance also has some functions that can be grouped into three sections covering: Function primary, secondary functions, and additional functions.
  • The primary function of insurance is risk transfer, fundraising and premiums balanced. That is the risk of financial loss due to the occurrence of an insured event giving rise to financial loss in the switch to the insurer (example insurance companies) with contributions and premiums are balanced and in accordance with the contract of insurance.
  • Secondary functions is to stimulate business growth, prevent loss, damage control, social benefits and savings.
  • Additional functions namely as investment funds and invisible earnings.
How Insurance Works

Before you decide to join in one of the insurance program helps you to first understand how insurance works. In conventional insurance the insurer is called the Insurer, whereas people who buy insurance product called the insured or the policyholder, the insured pay a sum of money called a premium to buy the products provided by insurance companies. Insurance premiums paid by the insured into insurance company earnings, in other words the ownership transfer occurs premium fund of the insured to the Insurance Company. If the insured suffered in accordance with the risks set forth in the contract of insurance, then the insurance company has to pay a sum of money called the sum assured to insured or those who deserve it. Conversely, if in the end of the contract the insured does not run the risk that agreed the insurance contract ends, all the rights and obligations of both parties ended.

From the above process can be concluded that the displacement of the financial risk in insurance terms is called the transfer of risk from the insured to the Insurer. For example, if someone bought accident insurance policy for the car, then he should pay the money (premiums) that have been determined by the insurance company, at the same time the insurance company will bear the financial risk in the event of an accident on the car.

By reading this simple article I hope everything can be sure to immediately decide to buy an insurance policy, to ensure the security of our future and in accordance with the fund family and your needs. Thus a brief discussion of insurance, which I have collected from various sources. May be useful.

Saturday, May 21, 2016


Health is a priceless treasure. Everyone will want to be healthy and can move well in doing many things in life. In fact awareness of the importance of health in the community is still lacking. It can be seen there are many people around us who often get sick. Not only of the poor but the rich. even more severe illness from poor families such as heart disease. because that's important for us all to revisit what it is about health.


Health comes from the healthy, according to WHO (1947) health is a state of perfect physical, mental and social and not only free of disease or infirmity (WHO, 1947). While Health is a state of well being of body, soul, and social to enable more people to live productive socially, and economically.

From the definition of health that has been stated above, it can be in the know turns Health exhaustive and covers four aspects. So a healthy new can be said as a whole if it has met the four aspects of health. The embodiment of each aspect of a person's health, among others:
  • The physical aspects, a person can be said to be physically fit if he did not feel and complain of pain. In a sense all of his organs functioning well or not impaired.
  • The mental aspect (soul). Mental aspect includes three components, namely mind, emotional, and spiritual.
  1. Common sense can be in the know of a way of thinking or way of thinking.
  2. Emotionally healthy, which is a person's ability to express his emotions, such as fear, joy, sadness and more.
  3. Spiritual healthy, a person can be said to be healthy spiritually reflected in the way in expressing gratitude, praise, trust and so on to something beyond this mortal nature, which is God Almighty. For example, a healthy spiritual can be seen from a person's religious practices. In other words, a healthy spiritual is a condition where a person to worship and all the rules of his religion.

  • The social aspect, a person can be said to be healthy socially, if he is able to relate well to others, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion or belief, social status, economic, political, and so forth, as well as tolerance and mutual respect.
  • Economic aspects, is said to be healthy if a person (adult) productive, in the sense of having activities that are able to produce something that can contribute to his own life or his family financially. For those who are not yet adults (students or students) and the elderly (retired), by itself this restriction does not apply. Therefore, for these groups, which are socially productive force, which has useful activities for their lives later on, for example, for students or student achievement, and social activities, religious, or other social services for the elderly.

Now is the time you get back your self-correct if it is healthy as a whole what not ?. If these four aspects of health you already have it means you inwardly and outwardly healthy then it is appropriate that I say congratulations. So what are the benefits that can be felt when our bodies healthy:

Health Benefits
Health provides so many benefits for us, both the direct benefits that we feel consciously or not, and the benefits we feel later. But both of these benefits have a positive impact for all of us. Health benefits indirectly them encourage us to do something positive. Direct health benefits for example, we can perform daily activities vigorously.

But keep in mind, body as well as the car engine when constantly in use, over time will be damaged, as well as our bodies are not always healthy. So to keep benefit we must continue to strive to maintain the health of our bodies to do things to maintain and improve health, and stay away from things that can be damaging to health.

Hopefully this article can open our minds about the importance of health. See you again...

Thursday, May 19, 2016

What Do You Think About The Family ?

Happy Family | what Do You Think About The Family ? - Everyone must have longed for a happy and harmonious family. Family begins to be fully men and women and the presence of children. The family is called from a husband and a wife and child household.

Think About Family

The importance of family is profound and can be interpreted from many different angles. The family is a group of people who are bound in a relationship of marriage, birth or adoption of a single household. Families can be formed from a relationship and emotional bond between each individual as a member of the family who have different roles.. In addition, families can also be interpreted as a small group come together and live under the same roof, a dependency between one with other.

Harmony in the family is one of the most important things that can’t be underestimated off hand. Harmony in family can create untold happiness bliss for every individual anywhere reside in. because, family is nearest life scope and very valuable for us all. For that, comprehending meaning and the definition of harmony family require to be done, to create a happy family.

Definition of a harmonious family is a family to help in mutual respect, to love, forgive and accept the other spouse due to lack of people are never perfect. Married couples are complementary, like a spoon with a fork. Couple which is one closing its couple deficiency. 

Family harmony could be created if the household always be openness without any cover-up, because you are the foundation of honesty is very important in a relationship, whether married relationship or relationships with others. If the family members fully understand that happiness comes from the soul, the pure heart, a heart that is always grateful, always think positive so everything will be visible in the clear. Because, the key to a happy household is their mutual love and affection between husband and wife. The husband will appreciate it and give all my love and affection to his wife, if women also give love and respect to her husband. And vice versa.

Then all the problems can be solved easily, because nothing that puts the ego and emotion. That is what a happy family, so that all family members feel happy, comfortable and peaceful despite being in the home or stay away.

So no worries at all because the family is always there for us. Happy family may be the motivation and foundation in pursuing the days with all family members. If all family members can be run according to the vision mission with the definition of family harmony is created with harmonious and happy.

Happy and harmonious family owns several properties or specific criteria that we know, should, for example :

• Love each other and love each other.
• Maintain a commitment in order to form a happy and harmonious family.
• Mutual provide input, support, advice and remind the things that are positive.
• Having good communication links between each other.
• create together the mutual work of the quality of life and economy of the best family.
• The search for a solution to the debate.
• appreciate mutual understanding, respect and today.

That is the definition of family harmony and properties you should know how to measure the harmonious family relationships you have. A very important key is to create a happy and harmonious family compassion, love, communication and interaction that are well maintained continuous with each other. With the relationship, of course, goes well, it could be a happy and harmonious family.

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